Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hey, It's Me!

(a little back ground music for your listening pleasure)
Where to being? 

I have spent the better part of this past decade putting place after place in my rear view, and discovering what’s around the bend!  Why?  Not because there was something wrong with any particular place, but like any addiction, once you’ve become a serial mover, the habit is more difficult to kick than you’d think… not that I’d want to.
A common shot from one of the many cross country road trips I've done. 
Somewhere outside Moose Jaw, SK, 2007.

From coast to coast on more than one occasion, I have lived or spent an abundance of time in nearly every Canadian province (except you Newfoundland… and I’m comin’ for you!), while riding the wave of bartending, working in hotels, cafes, and yes, more bartending. 
My friend Carrie and I at one of the bars I worked in. 
I'd say they're some of the best times of my life, if only I could remember them...
Did you know there is alcohol in rum?!
Russell, MB, 2008. 
Mix that with two parts education and a dash of hospitality then, boom, you find yourself teaching others how to do it at Oulton College in Moncton, New Brunswick.

At the new campus, which is pretty awesome; Oxford eat your heart out!
Moncton, NB, 2013 
To say I’ve been blessed doesn’t really do it justice, because in this day and age I think there is a small margin of people who get to make a living at what they love doing!  “You mean you’re going to pay me to talk about the things I’ve done, the places I’ve seen, and then give me the summer off and multiple weeks throughout the year to do more?!  Where do I sign up?  Oh wait, I did!”       
One of my favourite spots in one of my favourite towns. 
No matter where else I go the road always leads back here at some point. 
Banff, AB, 2010.

Alas, all the responsibility and duty of being an adult isn’t enough to keep me completely grounded, as I continually balance the fine line of semi-reckless traveler, which is why weekend after weekend you will find me heading in one direction or another in the name of a concert, some reminiscent story, or more often than not just plain old adventure…

Practically my back yard these days, in a manner of speaking.
Minas Basin, near Parrsboro, NS, 2013.
And you know what?  I am never changing.

I’m Jordy, and this is my life on the lam.

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